YMCA Lap open family swim lessons


West Cook YMCA Swimming Program 2024


Lap swim is for swimming laps back and forth in a lane.

West Cook YMCA Swimming Lessons 2024


Open swim is for water walking and/or water exercise. There will be designated lanes.

YMCA Family aquatics programs


Family swim is for families and youth to swim in the pool. There is no lap swimming, water walking, and/or water exercise.


  • No prolonged underwater swimming or breath holding. Competitive and repetitive breath holding can be deadly.
  • Proper swim attire must be worn in the pool (i.e., no cut-offs or cotton shorts/shirts)
  • Street shoes are not allowed on the pool deck
  • During swim lessons, parents are asked to observe in the balcony
  • Persons with any bandages, open blisters, cuts or lesions are not permitted in pool
  • Running, boisterous behavior and rough play are prohibited
  • Back diving, flips, twists and backward jumps are not allowed
  • Diving blocks are not to be used but you may dive in the deep end
  • Inappropriate language will not be tolerated.


  • For the safety of all swimmers, everyone must pass a deep-water test before swimming in the deep end. All swimmers under the age of 12 must be accompanied by a parent either in the pool, on the pool deck, or in the observation deck. Barriers will indicate the distance able to swim for those not passing the deep-water
  • One parent must be in the water for every 3 children.
  • Food, beverages, and glass bottles are not permitted in the pool
  • Non-inflatable flotation devices are allowed in the pool
  • Pool toys may be used at the lifeguard’s discretion
  • Family Swim is recreational pool time for parents and children swimming together
  • The lifeguard on duty is the authority in the pool. Please pay attention to any emergencies or special announcements when the whistle is blown


  • MINIMUM AGE: Lap swimmers must be 16 years of age or older, or swimmers under the age of 16, who can swim 100 yards of freestyle
  • CIRCLE SWIMMING: If there are more than two swimmers in your lane you must circle swim. At the West Cook YMCA, the rule is to stay to the right and to swim counterclockwise
  • SPEED: Slower swimmers must yield to faster swimmers. If you are passed two times move to a slower Be considerate of a fast swimmer and let a swimmer pass.
  • PASSING: Pass on the Tap the foot of the person in front of you before passing. If you are being overtaken at the turn, stop, and wait until the other swimmer has pushed off.
  • STOPPING: If you need to stop, squeeze into the corner to the right of oncoming swimmers, so they will have sufficient room to turn. Lifeguards may ask swimmers to switch lanes. Please follow their requests.
  • To avoid accidents, when entering an occupied lane, please confirm the swimmer’s acknowledgement that you are entering.
  • Directions: If there are 1 or 2 swimmers in a lane, they may elect to split the lane in half.
  • Speed: Please try to choose a lane with swimmers that most nearly match your speed. 

Children 12 and under must be accompanied by an adult at all times when in the aquatic facility.